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Asesoría Especializada

Te ayudamos a elegir las plantas perfectas y a cuidarlas para un hogar saludable.

Cuidado Personalizado

Ofrecemos consejos específicos para el cuidado de tus plantas, adaptados a tus necesidades y entorno.

Selección de Plantas

Nuestro equipo te guiará en la selección de plantas de ornato ideales para tu espacio.

Utilizamos abono de composta para asegurar un crecimiento saludable y sostenible de tus plantas.

Crecimiento Sostenible
A large, ornate planter is filled with vibrant plants, including ornamental cabbages and tall grasses, placed next to a teal-colored wooden door. A blackboard with white handwriting displays prices for mums. The setting appears to be outside a shop or greenhouse.
A large, ornate planter is filled with vibrant plants, including ornamental cabbages and tall grasses, placed next to a teal-colored wooden door. A blackboard with white handwriting displays prices for mums. The setting appears to be outside a shop or greenhouse.
A well-maintained garden features vibrant flowers, including bright orange and pink blooms, surrounded by lush green plants. A large tree trunk is visible beside a decorative flag with floral designs, set against a backdrop of grass and rocks.
A well-maintained garden features vibrant flowers, including bright orange and pink blooms, surrounded by lush green plants. A large tree trunk is visible beside a decorative flag with floral designs, set against a backdrop of grass and rocks.

Asesoría Botánica

A lush, well-maintained garden with a variety of flowering plants in full bloom. The garden features neatly trimmed hedges, vibrant flowers in shades of yellow, red, and orange, and a stone urn on a pedestal. Gravel paths and a brick walkway intersect the garden, with trees and shrubs providing a rich green backdrop.
A lush, well-maintained garden with a variety of flowering plants in full bloom. The garden features neatly trimmed hedges, vibrant flowers in shades of yellow, red, and orange, and a stone urn on a pedestal. Gravel paths and a brick walkway intersect the garden, with trees and shrubs providing a rich green backdrop.

Estamos aquí para ayudarte a elegir las plantas perfectas y ofrecerte consejos de cuidado.

Asesoría personalizada para tus plantas

En Marola Green House, te ayudamos a elegir las plantas ideales para tu hogar y oficina, brindándote consejos de cuidado y crecimiento para que florezcan de manera saludable.

A vibrant garden with a variety of plants, including lush green foliage and clusters of bright pink flowers. Light-colored rocks outline sections of the garden, adding structure, while a small decorative metal sculpture is placed near one of the flower beds. The garden appears well-maintained and incorporates different textures and colors.
A vibrant garden with a variety of plants, including lush green foliage and clusters of bright pink flowers. Light-colored rocks outline sections of the garden, adding structure, while a small decorative metal sculpture is placed near one of the flower beds. The garden appears well-maintained and incorporates different textures and colors.



Expertos en botánica

Cuidado sostenible