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Respira vida y cultiva sueños

La naturaleza a tu puerta, explora nuestro vivero on line y descubre el poder transformador de las plantas.

Convertimos tu hogar en un refugio de paz y belleza natural.

Plantas Ornamentales

water droplets on green leaf
water droplets on green leaf
Asesoría en Plantas

Te ayudamos a elegir las plantas ideales.

Cuidado Sostenible

woman holding a yellow and red labeled plastic cup
woman holding a yellow and red labeled plastic cup
green plant on white pot
green plant on white pot
Expertos en Botánica

Pasión por la naturaleza y su cuidado.

Ambiente Verde

Crea un espacio natural y saludable en casa.

Bienvenidos a Marola Green House

En nuestra tienda en línea, ofrecemos una selección de plantas de ornato y asesoría experta para embellecer tu hogar y oficina de manera saludable y sostenible.

a close up of a green plant with large leaves
a close up of a green plant with large leaves
Tu espacio verde ideal
Asesoría en plantas

Nuestro equipo apasionado por la botánica está listo para ayudarte a elegir las plantas perfectas y ofrecerte consejos de cuidado, asegurando que crezcan saludables y hermosas en tu entorno.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Las plantas de Marola Green House transformaron mi hogar, ¡su asesoría fue invaluable y muy profesional!

Claudia R.

A decorative plant arrangement is displayed on a gravel surface. A gold face-shaped planter holds an assortment of succulents, placed elegantly on a metal stand. Adjacent is a larger white pot containing spider plants with long, arching green leaves and trailing greenery.
A decorative plant arrangement is displayed on a gravel surface. A gold face-shaped planter holds an assortment of succulents, placed elegantly on a metal stand. Adjacent is a larger white pot containing spider plants with long, arching green leaves and trailing greenery.

Excelente atención y plantas hermosas. Gracias a su equipo, mi oficina ahora es un oasis verde.

Javier M.

A well-maintained garden area featuring lush green plants with long, pointed leaves. There's a red garden bed bordering the plants and several terracotta pots placed on the ground next to a yellow pillar. In the background, there's a wooden bench and the entrance to a building with paintings hanging on the wall.
A well-maintained garden area featuring lush green plants with long, pointed leaves. There's a red garden bed bordering the plants and several terracotta pots placed on the ground next to a yellow pillar. In the background, there's a wooden bench and the entrance to a building with paintings hanging on the wall.